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About Me

This is not a repurposed Linked In or Psychology Today bio (both are linked on this site). It is a little more than that. This is taking a peek inside my head on how I have chosen to approach an initial session. 


It starts with my grandfathers who were blue collar workers (one an industrial painter and the other a carpenter). The former taught me that you learn a lot by listening and that it is possible to sleep through a 4th of July fireworks display as an adult. The latter taught me that even if you have a blueprint things will go awry and that the most trustworthy bookies operate out of the back of a bank.


I would tell you what my grandmothers taught me but it's really complicated and my simple male brain is still attempting understand.


Anyway, I come to the session with a blueprint (ACT Therapy, some CBT techniques, and some curated selections from Albert Ellis, Victor Frankl and George Carlin). Then we listen to that part of you that has been wanting to speak...........

Below there is an video of me in my office of me being as close to an authentic version of me as possible. This is the second take as the first one had a really soothing drilling noise in the background.

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